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深圳有滋味(双语版)第39期:梦回尼罗河 遇见“永恒的面孔”

来源: 深圳有滋味   2022-08-13 15:16:11

读特客户端·深圳新闻网2022年8月13日讯(记者 陈彦如 林恒鑫 金洪竹 冯牧原 李丹璐 张玲 )要论最近的深圳展览界“顶流”,当属从英国曼彻斯特博物馆出发,一路在美国、北京、上海火爆展出后,终于来到深圳南山博物馆的“永恒的面孔——古埃及的黄金木乃伊”展。6月24日开展后,展览至今仍保持着可预约时间内所有场次全部爆满的纪录。

Speaking of the top trending exhibition in Shenzhen, it must be The Face of Eternal Life, which comes from Manchester Museum in Britain and achieves great success in America, Beijing and Shanghai. Finally, it comes to Shenzhen and the appointment has been filled up in all available section.

此次南山博物馆展出的黄金木乃伊有8具。(李丹璐 摄)

投射在地面上的灯的图案。(李丹璐 摄)

深圳新闻网记者金洪竹(左)与外国小姐姐Alya介绍此次拍摄的主题。(李丹璐 摄)

古埃及的器皿。(张玲 摄)

展品之一。(李丹璐 摄)

展品之一。(张玲 摄)

深圳新闻网记者金洪竹和在深外籍艺术家Alya打卡黄金木乃伊展。(张玲 摄)

精美的纹样。(张玲 摄)

年轻女孩的木乃伊盖板。(张玲 摄)

展品。(张玲 摄)


Today, no need to wait at the online applet of the museum, or face the burning weather, Have Fun in Shenzhen invites Zoe Kim and Alya to give you a wonderful experience in Nanshan Museum to explore the mysterious Ancient Egypt universe.



Herodotus, a historian in Ancient Greece, dubbed Ancient Egypt“the Gift of the Nile”. Besides those world-famous archaeological relics such as Khufu Pyramid, the golden mask of Tutankhamen and the mummy of Rameses II, The Face of Eternal Life focuses more on exploring expectations of a life after death during the relatively little-known‘Graeco-Roman’ Period of Egyptian history - between 300 BC and AD300.For this purpose, Manchester Museum transports 108 precious relics, including 8 golden mummies, to Shenzhen.

展出的儿童木乃伊。(张玲 摄)

古埃及黄金木乃伊展中的象形文字和精美图案吸引了Alya。(张玲 摄)

木乃伊胸部盖板。(张玲 摄)

精致的器皿,几千年后依然闪烁着古埃及人的智慧与无与伦比的审美观。(张玲 摄)

木乃伊脚底的人形图案,寓意木乃伊主人的敌人被踩在脚底。(张玲 摄)

珠宝首饰。(张玲 摄)


Ancient Egypt was always in contact with its neighboring cultures and was never as isolated as it is often portrayed. They interact with others not only culturally, economically and positively, but also with violence, competitions and fights. In this exhibition, those original papyri, Greek-style war helmet, Roman-style half portrait, jewels and colored painting, all proved the grand ethnic communicating history around the Nile.

展品细节。(李丹璐 摄)

木乃伊展品。(李丹璐 摄)

展品之一。(李丹璐 摄)

展览现场的古埃及特有的图纹,如黄金圣甲虫等。(李丹璐 摄)

南山博物馆专业讲解员陈老师(左一)为我们介绍展品。(李丹璐 摄)

木乃伊画像展品之一。(李丹璐 摄)


332 BC, Alexander the Great arrived in Egypt and brought three centuries of rule by Macedonian-Greek kings called the Ptolemies. With the death of the last ruler of the dynasty - Queen Cleopatra VII – in30 BC, Egypt became part of the Roman Empire for a further four centuries. Thus, prosperous culture from Greece, Rome and Egypt merged together and left tremendous cultural treasures that spread up to now.




‘The sun god will gild your body for you, a beautiful color even to the extremities of your limbs. He will make your skin flourish with gold.’

The Embalming Ritual,1stcentury AD(Cited from the exhibition)



In the funeral culture of Ancient Egypt, mummification represent people’s imagination about death, afterlife and eternity. Varied from wooden coffin, mummies in this exhibition are mostly covered by a delicate painting of their own, and are immobilized by linen bondage.

At that time, Ancient Egyptians believed that all admiring gods were all made up of gold. That explains why they use gold or gold foil in mummification - to make the dead become closer to gods and have eternal life. The process of mummification is not only to preserve a body, but also to build an eternal and more perfect house for the spirit, and wait for a future life.

器皿。(张玲 摄)

展品。(张玲 摄)

精美的首饰。(李丹璐 摄)

木乃伊足部细节。(李丹璐 摄)

聚精会神。(李丹璐 摄)

两位出镜主持录结束语。(李丹璐 摄)


Visitors can still recognize many hieroglyphic characters, which were used on funeral decorations, the cover of mummies and exquisite statue of gods, which were all thought to symbolize sacredness. In their view, those graphs can lead the dead to their future life. Around the mummification glass cases, there are several interactive screens that tell you the explanations of the characters and the conditions of mummies.


Across endless time, we see the wisdom and philosophy of Ancient Egypt culture. Come and join Have Fun in Shenzhen, let this trip show you how Egyptian respect lives and pursue the eternal time.

这是儿童玩具木马,还是其他什么用途的器具?(张玲 摄)

头盔。(张玲 摄)

两位主持人诚意推荐,有机会来参观的话千万别错过。(李丹璐 摄)

Alya对这次展览的兴趣很高。(李丹璐 摄)

Q版的黄金木乃伊展周边。(张玲 摄)

来自曼彻斯特博物馆的古埃及黄金木乃伊展周边产品。(张玲 摄)

深圳新闻网记者金洪竹与Alya研究木乃伊展周边产品。(张玲 摄)




时间:2022.06.24 -2022.09.11(逢周一闭馆,节假日正常开放)



Exhibition Informations

Time: 2022.06.24 -2022.09.11(Close on Monday, open on holidays)

Location: Hall2, floor2, Nanshan Museum,2093 Nanshan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Tips: Please make your online appointment at the official Weixin account of 南山博物馆(Nanshan Museum). Your ID card, a negative record of nucleic acid that tested in 48 hours and your health QR code are all needed when you enter the museum.

参观完合影。(李丹璐 摄)
